Flood Gates on Operational BI on the Verge Of Breaking Wide Open

Posted by Amanda Dascalakis | July 30, 2008 | Blog

It seems that everywhere I look the number of vendors gearing up for Operational BI is just massing as if awaiting an onslaught on the market. Among them include HP, IBM, InforSense, Progress, Tibco, SL, ThinkAnalytics and many more. Key to this is event driven data integration, in-memory data, predictive analytics and rules engines. Vendors […]


DatAllegro – The New Microsoft DW Appliance?

Posted by Amanda Dascalakis | July 28, 2008 | Blog

Why is it every time I take a week off on holiday something major happens in the BI market? I am of course talking about Microsoft’s Announcement to acquire the data warehouse appliance vendor DatAllegro. The message on this is certainly obvious, the scaling of SQL Server. It’s a very interesting announcement. With the exception […]


Kalido – Its a Wrap For Microsoft

Posted by Amanda Dascalakis | July 16, 2008 | Blog

Yesterday Kalido announced the availability of Kalido Universal Information Director for Microsoft SQL Server which will speed up development of BI systems based on the Microsoft Platform. By using Universal Director (part of the Kalido Information Engine suite of technologies) it is possible to capture the metadata and automate the generation and population of Microsoft […]


Microsoft Adds Another Piece To The Data Management Puzzle

Posted by Amanda Dascalakis | July 15, 2008 | Blog

Microsoft have been somewhat quiet in the enterprise data governance arena since their acquisition of MDM vendor Stratature in 2007. Since then they took that product off the market which clearly indicated that Stratature was a piece of a bigger puzzle they are building. Of course they already have their SQL Server Integration Services data […]


In-Memory Data – Vital for BAM and CEP

Posted by Amanda Dascalakis | June 24, 2008 | Blog

As we head down the road towards real-time event-driven computing and move gradually away from batch processing it is clear that the number of events in some vertical industries is going to be enormous. Not surprising therefore that if we are looking to analyse this data before it reaches a data warehouse then in-memory data […]


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