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Operational BI – Extended BI System Or Brand New Architecture?
Posted by Amanda Dascalakis | June 18, 2008 | BlogFor those of you looking at Operational BI a very common question is how will this use of intelligence impact the classic BI system architecture? To answer this question requires that we first define operational BI. This is the use of intelligence in every-day business operations. We are not talking about running reports that access […]
Feed Me, Feed Me – Event Driven Analytics
Posted by Amanda Dascalakis | May 17, 2008 | BlogThe explosion of web feeds on the internet and now also within the enterprise rightly warrants the question “Is it possible to analyse feed data in real time?”. The answer has got to be a resounding yes and opens up new ways to use BI that go beyond traditional BI systems. Analysing feed data in […]
Virtualised BI – A Thing of The Future?
Posted by Amanda Dascalakis | May 15, 2008 | BlogThe onslaught of virtualisation seems to be gaining momentum with vendors offering virtualisation of servers, PCs, applications and also the systems management tools to manage virtual server farms in a virtual data centre underpinned by grid computing. So the question is how does this apply to BI? BI tools are just effectively applications after all […]
BI Vendor adoption of Web 2.0 Emerging
Posted by Amanda Dascalakis | April 9, 2008 | BlogFollowing my recent series of articles on Web 2.0 and BI on the B-Eye-Network, it is exciting to see BI products pushing their way into the BI market embracing web 2.0. Several vendors such as Information Builders and SAP (Business Objects) have released BI Mashup tools recently but the one vendor that caught my eye […]
Younger Generation Vendors Rock The BI Boat
Posted by Amanda Dascalakis | March 25, 2008 | BlogIn 2008, some 18 years since I moved into the BI sector of the industry, you would think that this space would be exhausted. Yet here we are seeing more announcements from relatively ‘new generation’ vendors aggressively going after this market. I refer of course to the announcement yesterday between LogiXML and Vertica on integration […]

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